... is a welcomed
addition to the alternative news media in their information battle against the mainstream media, who stubbornly keep trying to fool the population left, right and center with a recent coverage about the Ukraine by Golineh Atai the latest evidence. Golineh Atai is the ARD's female pendant to the ZDF's propagandist-in-chief Claus Cleber and is regularly featured in the
propagandaschau webpage. Apologies for the language, but both Atai and Cleber are mere media whores, who for money avoid it to mention and blame the true culprit for the crisis, which is of course the Empire of Terror, aka the USA. Many journalists in the FRiGermany belong to transatlantic lobbyist groups or even signed a contract ( writers for the filthy tabloid BILD ) prohibiting them to write negatively about the USA if they want to keep their jobs. My family has a longtime subsrciption with the local newspaper " Hamburger Abendblatt ", however when i read another article by Mr. Frankenfeld bashing Putin and Russia i about had it and wrote them a mail threatining with a cancelation, if this continues. I mean, there are constantly rolling
U.S. tanks through the FRiG towards the East and the USA have also a argy-bargy going on with China in the South Chinese Sea. The situation could turn ugly pretty soon through U.S. imperialism and it is totally impropiate to cheer for them. It was U.S. pres. Obama, who said in front of a camera , "
we brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine " and it was him saying "
the U.S. trained ISIL ". Does anybody care to listen, please ? HELLO !! Here is what Brother Nathanael has to say about Putin and Obama .
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