Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Saturday, December 12, 2015

The COMPACT Magazine

The word "Schadenfreude" only exists in the German voc-
abulary and means to gain some joy out of someone elses
misery and as such is a negative emotion, which should be
avoided. Though not so for the German mainstream print
media, who are losing heaps of readers and that is fully
deserved. The once reputable SPIEGEL for instance was
famous for its investigative journalism, but nowadays it
seems there is a new breed of arrogant, young and clueless
scribes only able to copy and paste what news agencies
spoon fed to them, what is usually U.S approved propaganda

 Folks are not longer willing to pay for that rubbish and as a consequence the SPIEGEL
 has to lay-off many of his associates. It doesn't look any better for the STERN, who
 according to this "truther" faces bankruptcy.

They all pay the price for following a political correct directive, which becomes really
worrying. Metal Union boss Hoffmann recently demanded, that workers get fired, who
criticize the migrant invasion.A theater in Berlin currently plays an opus, where actors
use hate speeches towards members of the AfD- party and PEGIDA marchers, which
are in the great majority regular hard working people preoccupied about the way this
nation is heading for.

However there is a beacon in the print media scene and that is the COMPACT Mag
published by Jürgen Elsässer. He along with his team deserves a lot of credit for
writing about the much needed truth of the matter and any support for their efforts
trying to get this country back on track is very much appreciated.                                                                                                          

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