Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Ernst Köwing, The Honeyman †

Already on Feb. 24 the prominent blogger "Ernie" Köwing passed away under deroga-
tory circumstances in a prison. The Merkel-Regime showed no mercy and arrested him
even at his high age and degrading health condition only to silence him by applying the
 § 130 "hatespeech"-paragraph. With his intrepid style he encouraged many people to
start their own blogs and through them his spirit will live on in times getting darker,
when every voice is needed to stand up for the values "truth, honour, justice and cou-
rage ". To put it straight, in this country, the Federal Republik in Germany, free speech
is under heavy fire and needs to be defended.

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