Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

"Merkel Must Leave" - Demonstration ... A Report

Last week i attended the "Merkel Must Leave"- demonstration here in Hamburg. Some
might say, why bother, even when Merkel is gone, the system remains and someone
else becomes the U.S. puppet, thus nothing changes. True, though there is also a
glimmer of hope, that her successor acknowledges, that the public has woken up and
does not accept that nonsense any longer, why she sees herself forced to change act-
ions. Besides i like to complain that Germans have little sense of solidarity and when
this event had been organized i felt compelled to join in and so i went ...

The protagonists were as follows ...

_The Police

Upon arrival i saw policemen all over the shop. I thought, a small squad would suffice
to keep the left mob at bay, but there were plenty more,who eventually encircled the
uprights and observed them closely. That gave me a stern reminder, in what nation we
live. As i wrote countless times the Federal Republic in Germany is not a state, but a
administrative construction by the usurpers. Hence a policeman is NOT a civil servant,
but a mercenary serving those, who pay him, directly i should add, and these are the
big wigs like Merkel. Thats why us uprights are natural opponents to them and in case
of an overdue uprising they will fight against us, just take a look at their weaponry.

_The Antifa

They arrived late at the scene, having worked overtime somewhere (no, not really)
and instantly started to go berserk by yelling and screaming. There is no doubt in
my mind these blokes have been bred along as a tool to establish the New World
Order by combating everyone with an undesired opinion. They are arrogant, full of
hatred, agressive and absolutely clueless. Some females already fit the new role
model being lesbian and having a colorful short hair cut. The tragedy with them is,
that once the NWO has been established they will turn from useful idiots to useless
eaters and will become swiftly victims of the eugenic program.

_The Uprights

You see, to get people on the streets in this country, you rather should organize a gay
and lesbian parade. When some perverts crawling half naked with a leash through the
streets tens of thousands want to see it, but when the future of the nation is at stake,
only a few seem to care, although many certainly stayed away, because of previous
leftist violence and because sinnister objects were filming trying to disclose identities
and defame participants. I would estimate there were perhaps five really unpleasant
types among them you don't want necessarily appear on the same foto with, all others
regular people. They are fed up living in a 4th world banana republic, where truth,
honor, courage and justice are not existent any longer, as it seems, where politicians,
msm and justice are lying, deceiving and manipulating day-in,day-out. Any clear
thinking person would consider that normal, not here where he is dubbed "Right

_Serge Menga

As a guest speaker,Serge, an migrant from Congo, was invited. He is an natural at that
and conducted another fabulous speech, which brought him some YouTube-fame.
Nonetheless i felt he was pussyfootin' around some topics, something the "Volkslehrer"
would not do, who was there a week earlier , though unfortunately got no permission
to raise his voice. After an hour it was all over and the uprights were escorted by
the police to a special train and driven away. The future will show, if this event is the
start to something bigger or was frittered away time.


Serge Menga

Der Volkslehrer


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