Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Echo, Auschwitz And The Truth

Poking with a stick in an anthill causes less turmoil inside, than making a Nazi-
comparison here in the Federal Republic in Germany. Two rappers with the
names Kollegah and Farid Bang now took it to the next level by making an
Auschwitz - comparison in some of their lines sending some folks hyperventi-
lating with that calculated provocation. And when they on top received an award
( thought rappers are cool, not participating at that hogwash, though obviously not
the case ) called "The Echo" the beforementioned were ultimately driven over the
edge. Goody-goody  Marius M. Westernhagen was outraged and announced he
will return his formerly won awards and of course goody-goody in chief and punk
sell-out Campino of "The Toten Hosen" raised the moral index finger. Geez, he
looks run down, sickness or lifestyle ?  Dunno.

Since we are lied upon nearly everything i did a little research on Auschwitz and
made a few remarkable discoveries. For example the swimming pool inside the
camp inmates could use. The piles of dead corpses we were shown are more
likely German prisoners of war, who were starved by G.I s at the Rheinwiesenlager.
Plaster was scratched off the alleged gas chamber, but no residue of Cyclon B could
be found. It was used, but only for delousing. Also the hatches at the ceilings were
probably built in afterwards as well as the ovens. Impossible to burn thousands of
human corpses in a short period of time with that small number of ovens.

When talking about Jews it is definitely neccessary to destinguish between Sephardic
and the Ashkenazi Jews. While the former are mostly well-liked and don't mind any
co-existence, the latter make no secret of their ambitions to rule the world and how
they perceive non-jews by calling them cattle (goyim) and vermin.

" Remember my children, that all the earth must belong to us Jews and that the
  Gentiles, being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing.

  - Amschel Mayer Rothschild -

" I hardly exaggerate. Jewish life consists of two elements : extracting money and pro-
   testing ..."

  - Nathum Goldmann -

" The whole creation of non-Jews consists only for the sake of the Jews."

  - Rabbi Menachim Schneesohn -

So why are so many non-Jews are rushing to defend Jews, if critizised by using the
extra created a-word is beyond me. But wait a minute, it has probably to do with the
guilt complex we are reminded at every single day. When i see these scumbags here
occupying important positions i have no reason to believe Germans were not able to
commit atrocities back in the years from 1914 - 45. However this is only half of the
story with the other half kept well hidden, though ready to make it out to the general
public shortly, whether the moneylenders like it or not.

_Books      "1939 The War, Who Had Many Fathers"  / Gerd Schulze- Rhonhof

                  "Illuminati" / Henry Markow

                  "Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil" / Gerard Menuhin
                  Quotes above taken from that book

_Videos     Canine behaving Germans

                  David Cole visits Auschwitz

                 Cremation technology vs the holoclaus

                The whole truth about the great lie by Conrebbi

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