Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

Please also see my webpage

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Outlook For 2021

Here in Hamburg, the vaxx center should have opened before Christmas, then at

12/27 and now finally next year 1/5 with some test runs going on. Though i am

quite upbeat, more and more folks get a hang about what's the deal with vaccinations

and stay well clear despite desperate attempts from the mainstream media press -

titutes to convince them otherwise. I just hope tribunals will bring them all to justice

some day.

For those falling for the msm propaganda serious health issues could be the conse -

quence like Bell's palsy, Guillain-Barre-Syndrom or simple death. So they started

meanwhile to vaccine the most hap- and clueless people, the elderly in the nursery

homes. I wouldn't wonder, if many of them will drop like flies pretty soon and then

they will blame age reasons, Covid or pre-existing illnesses - after all the pensions 

till needs a quick relief.

In NZ the premier minister and demonic tranny Jacinda Ardern declared to throw

everyone denying the jab in a camp until caving in. Canada's premier and son of

Fidel Castro, Justin Trudeau, toots in the same horn. So it seems a virus is used as

a blueprint to introduce tyranny and dictatorchip. The year 2021 will be decisive, if

we let it happen, hide behind a stove with a mask on or push back the much quoted

GREAT RESET. Attorney Rainer Fuellmich started an class action lawsuit presented

at an US court to held the ones responsible for the lockdown-mess accountable. Let's

hope he will be successful ...

In the USA meanwhile i guess it doesn't matter, who will be declared POTUS 46. Many

fuses will be blown and after plenty of riots martial law will be declared. I am still

inclined to believe Trump will be the better choice with a glimmer of confidence he 

will fight the Deep State and the FED, though in reality he probably only plays his role 

in a scripted theater play. With Biden the road to socialism and complete decay will be

paved, no doubt about it.

Here in the FRiGermany we have federal elections next year and a similar fate could 

be on the cards with almost all parties puhsing for a left-/green agenda. And if no-

body votes for them, manipulations will provide the desired results. Am i casting a 

ballot ? Erm, don't think so . I rather suppose they will expand the lockdown until the

last once prideful middle-class entrepeneur will crawl on his knees to finance sec. 

Olaf Scholz begging for money. Then we are not far away anymore to communism,

where everybody works for cange for Amazon, who will offer the whole smorgas -

board on goods and services.

 In general,the outlook for the next year seems to be pretty bleak.On the bright side 

 i'll travel to Peru next week, unless some bloody politicians straddle in between. And

when there are manifestations next year in Berlin i will be there again. They were

really remarkable this year proving there are some gutsy Germans left, who don't go

down without a fight.

As usual, thanks a million again for tuning in. Despite the hardships i certainly hope we

together can make it through with a good sense of humor and cheerful spirit, some -

thing the psychopaths on top do not appreciate at all. 

So have a good one, talk to you next year ...

Another must watch video from Jeff Berwick

Thursday, December 24, 2020

26.12. Boxing Day

 The biggest sports day in the UK with everything running on 2 or 4 legs. In

Kempton as usual the King George Chase takes place with Clan Des Obeaux (FR)

defending his crown. He also heads the market and has a lively chance to win it

again, though for me the most interesting runner is REAL STEEL (FR). He was

sold by Gigginstown Stud to Kathy Stuart, who entered him into Paul Nicholl's stable.

Nicholls has won the race multiple times and when he let him go to post, that itself

is a pointer of his sporting chances. In the betting market he still flies under the radar

and is available for a great price.

REAL STEEL (FR) to win / place   @  16/1 *** PU

Football Treble in the Both To Score Market :

ECH   Bristol City  -  Wycombe  2:1

EL1   Crewe  -  Fleetwood  1:1

EL2   Morecambe  -  Grimsby  3:1     @ 6.60 *** WON

Thursday, December 17, 2020

And More Corona Bollocks

 Here in Hamburg the vaccination barn is about to open next week and now they

try to herd the sheeple ( or should i say laboratory rats ) inside with ramped up

case numbers. I am quite confident though, that more and more people wake up,

what the scam is all about und avoid the jab like the plague. 

Politicians and mainstream media will probably soon present celebrities to pro-

mote the vaccine. My main pick would be Thomas Gottschalk, who of course

would only be treated with a retractable trick syringe. Watch here 

Amanda Vollmer explains the Corona fraud in this video.

Before receiving a PCR-test you should avoid eating citrus fruits. Read here ...

A family was kicked off an UNITED Airlines aircraft, because their two year old

daughter refused to wear a mask. Pure child abuse can be seen here ...

Trumps demonic wingman Anthony Fauci here on Fauci on a couchi

In this cartoon Bill Gates reveals his true plan for us.

The DIVI intensive care unit register shows how many beds are available. There

might be a shortage in some hospitals, though in general a pandemic can't be

spotted - nothing but fear mongering.

Here is an very interesting article from former Pfizer associate Michael Yeadon in


And finally i want to mention a drug called Contergan responsible for the biggest

pharmaceutical scandal in Germany. In contained the substance Thalidomid, which

altered the DNA of pregnant women, thus causing deformities on children. The

newly developed mRNA vaccines could have the same effect .

More to come ...

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Robert Johnson - Can You Hear The Wind Howl ?


After the ongoing purgtes on YouTube, it is mostly interesting for lovers of kitten 

videos or teenys looking for make-up assistence. Nonetheless some gems can be

unearthed as the documentary with the above name.

For many years now i have an admiration for Country Blues, be it the musicians

personality, the music itself or the rambling lifestyle. No matter how poor many

of them have been, they were usually neatly dressed, what is another aspect im-

pressing me. In the early 90's i travelled from Clarksdale down to Greenville along

the Mississippi River to soak up the atmosphere there. Unfortunately no blues man

playing his guitar on a front porch could be spotted. Had been something sitting

down next to him, listening perhaps with a shot of booze. With the big names mean-

while long gone, the Country Blues seems to be on on the verge of becoming a 

lost art, though certainly some folks like myself try to pass on the torch to youngsters

trying to kindle some enthusiasm. Recently in Berlin i picked only a couple of notes

from a Mississippi John Hurt song and people digged it immediately. Long may it 

last ...

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Weekend Sports


POLITOLOGUE (FR) bitterly disappointed last year in the Tingle Creek Chase in

Sandown when putting up a lacklustre performance. He goes to post again this

year with his handler Paul Nicholls and jockey Harry Skelton pretty bullish about

his chances. Albeit he would have to beat the mighty Altior to whom he lost three

times already. Will he be able to turn the tables around this time ? At the prices i

will take my chances ...

POLITOLOGUE to win @ 5 *** WON

Altior as stakes saver available at odds around 2 *** NR

Football Double

German BL     Bayern Munich to beat RB Leipzig + > 2,5 goals   3:3

EPL                Chelsea London to beat Leeds + > 2,5 goals   @ 3.15  3:1 ***LOST

Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Value Of Sources Questioned

 When authors have written a book, many of them like to point to sources to demon-

strate how well they have researched their write-ups. But what if thes sources are un-

reliable and full of mistakes ? I just stumbled over an good example in the video 

linked below by Dean Irebodd in which he takes the book " A Year In Treblinka"

under close scrutiny. It was written by a guy named Jankiel Wiernik about his time

spent in the Treblinka concentration camp and Irebodd shows in great detail, that it is

full of absurdities and lies. Now many other authors used Wiernik's book as reference

as for example Raul Hilsburg in his opus "The Distruction Of The European Jews".

For a  long time meanwhile i do not believe a single word we are told about WW II, 

especially not from certain tribe authors about the subject and rather do my own re-

search from a number of different sources trying to find a balanced opinion. Since i

am not a contemporary witness i then can decide, who is trustworthy and who should

be encountered with distrust.We can't thank Irebodd enough for his efforts in bringing 

what i consider the truth into the light, in fact the truth always surfaces sooner or later .

Now how does the German government reacts ? They throw many more millions of 

Euros in their the struggle against Right Wingers and Antisemitism - pathetic ...

Here now the 4 hours video, which was blocked and reuploaded several times

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Vaccine Warning


You probably know the old saying " Where are crocodiles, there are no sharks ", which

translates to " Where Covid 19 is, there is no influenza". Even the WHO concedes this

on their webpage, Max Igan reports about it in the very imported video i linked below.

So everyone with a cough or fever, is diagnosed on the spot with Covid 19 driving the

number of cases to new heights what correlates with the panic level people get. But 

Big Pharma is here to help and developed in record time a vaccine for those who don't

don't mind getting heavy metals and cells from aborted foetuses injected. 

I think it is interesting, that like his Jewish counterpart from Moderna, the Jewish Pfizer

CEO Albert Bourla sold company stocks worth millions. Why is he doing it, when they

are supposed to make a boat load of money pretty soon and do not have to accept 

liabilities for folks suffered or died from their rubbish, which could probably geared 

only to Goyim. Before i even think about obtaining it, i want evidence, that at least 

one thousand members of the chosen tribe have been vaccinated . Just kiddin', no one

ever will vaccinate me , unless brute force is applied ...

Now over to Max ...

Thursday, November 12, 2020

My Bitchute Favs


After the recent Jootube purges, probably to silence critics of the manipulated U.S-

2020 elections, more and more filmmaker move their content over to other platforms

such as Bitchute. Here is a shortlist of some channels i subscribed to ...

- Jeff Berwick and Lucy are top of the list. Great infotainment presented in an upbeat


- Next is Max Igan from Australia. Similar content as Jeff's, but he is more of a deep

  thinker and brooding character.

- Christian, the iceage farmer, specialized in videos disclosing the risks to our food 

  system .

- Brian Young has an high output of interesting videos mostly dealing with politics.

- So has Shaun from the SGT-Report ...  W/

- And finally Brother Nathanael, one of very few daring to criticize the tribe with the

  small hats ...

Thursday, November 5, 2020

In For Easy Money ?

 Just team up with a local virologist or some dude from the Robert-Koch-Institute

and claim 10 million $ from Australian author Jamie McIntyre, who puts up the

dough. All he wants from you, is some evidence, that the COVID 19 virus exists.

Like i said, easy as pie ...

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Joe & Donald Show ...

 ... comes to its climax tomorrow with the election. My original assumption was, Joe 

Biden is selected as POTUS and shortly after his inauguration next January will step

down to make room for Kabalah Harris,who then ushers the country towards socialism.

Biden meanwhile is nothing but a pitiful drooling old man and you would think Trump

would prevail with a landslide win, though we must remember they all play their role

in a theater and we don't know what the directors have up their sleeves for them.

Trump himself met expectations since he scratched TTIP and kept the USA out of 

further wars abroad. On the other hand his behaviour is somewhat erratic, one day he

wants to lock up Hellary Clinton, the next day he has great respect for her. One day he

ridicules the Corona virus, the next day he wants to vaccine the whole population 

with the help of the army. Big pharma couldn't ask for a better rep than him and that 

is equally inexcusable as his servility to the Zionists.

The puppet masters have the people, where they want to have them to be, ready to 

get at each others throat, no matter who wins the election, especially since there is 

plenty of space for fraud with the postal voting system. I am afraid it is going to get 

ugly ...

Two bets with Unibet   

State won with the smallest percentage >>>  Pennsylvania @ 11

Votes obtained by the Republicans >>> 49 % - 51.99 % @ 5

Thursday, October 29, 2020

WHO Summit In Berlin

 Because some ole knuckleheads have no idea what matters in life, they decided to

harrass the mankind. Last Sunday now a few members of that satan's brood wanted 

to gather in Berlin for the WHO summit and i decided to see what's happening there.

Meeting point has been the Alexander Square and when i arrived there the usual

figures of the Corona-sceptic movement conducted their speeches. Several TV

stations approached me asking for my opinion concerning the Corona actions. My

answers were not politically correct, so i doubt they have been broadcasted, though

i didn't check. Then it didn't take long until the police kettled in folks and applied 

inappropiate violence.

Spending more time there made no sense and i walked over to the Kosmos theatre, 

where the event took place, although the building seemed to be empty. The atmos-

phere was cheerful, i picked my guitar and had a couple of nice chats, when the

usual pattern began. A stage has been constructed, speeches conducted, Corona rules

not complied, police marching in. I watched the scenery for a while, then left for my


All in all it was a great, interesting day not leaving any impressions on politicians,who

declared a lockdown shortly afterwards. The struggle against the madness continues ...

Thursday, October 22, 2020

History Revision Continued

 Us Germans are the only ones misrepresenting history to our own disadvantage in

part of course enforced by our allied occupiers. Here now is an impressive docu-

mentary with the title "Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told", who claims to put

matters right meaning not to whitewash Germans from their dirty deeds done, but

to spread the dirt more evenly. I for myself are still not convinced about Hitler's 

role in that mess and still think he could be a stooge of the banker's "elite". Also

the video contains a sequence from David Cole visiting Auschwitz. He is a brave

Jew speaking out like many others as well about the 6 million occurrence and we

must remember there are some Germans serving jail time for many years for echo-

ing him.

>>>>> <<<<<

Here is another video from the same channel showing a Rabbi circumcising a baby

and cows being kosher butchered. Now imagine a newly born catches sight of the

world with a smile on his face and shortly after a menacing looking dude with some

sort of knife inflicts unbearable pain on him at an heinous act and on top, and this 

is not for the faint hearted, licks off the foreskin's blood . 

Where are the human rights activists, where the animal rights activists, normally 

never passing an opportunity to make themself heard ? "Umm, ermm, sorry,

nothing we can do about it, othervise we would hurt religious feelings." To me it

seems like the meanest bully rules the schoolyard, the meanest tribe rules the world.

They control the narrative over the history and the mainstream media, even own my

posts on this blog, so how credible are they ? Just a rhetoric question ...

>>>>>  <<<<<

Thursday, October 15, 2020

History Revision

 "History is the lie they agreed upon " is an old saying and the agreement is Germans 

have always to be the villains. Now readers of this blog know i am a stern critic of

Germans, though when history treats us unfairly i step in.

So what happened ? Axel Schlimper is an intrepid defender of  German culture. He

once made a statement that during World War II the Wehrmacht attacked the Soviet 

Union as an preemptive strike, because Stalin had assembled several divisions of 

the Red Army at the western flank ready to overrun Europe ( and probably geared up

with Yankee dollars/ admin). Now recently he had to go to court and has been ... 

drum roll please ... acquitted of sedition.

I guess that is pretty encouraging and perhaps the 6 million occurence is next up. Here

is the video showing Schlimper with Nikolai Nerling interviewing him and towards

the end the nasty looking state attorney with the appeal of  a chosen tribe member.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Draining The Swamp ?

 Nah,not really. In this video linked below we get an idea why the Jews call U.S.

Pres. Trump the best president they ever had, sitting on Uncle Kissingers lap ...

Well, evil dark side representants. For the brighter side of life here are Jeff and 

Lucy with tacosh and kishes ...

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Nobel Peace Price


Since at least warlord Barack Obama has been awarded the price, we know holder

of that price should be perceived with outmost distrust. This year will be no exception

with a motley crew of criminals and shady characters but for indian chief Raoni

Metuktire are vying for the money. Heading the betting market are climate icon Greta

"How dare you" Thunberg and the World Health Organisation with its CEO, a former

marxist terrorist. So you see, alone nominating them shows in what a Orwellian world

we are living in. However i go out on a limb and put a silly fiver on the most unlikely

winning contender - Burn Loot Murder aka Black Lives Matter @ 15

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Eddie Van Halen R.I.P

 Shocking news reached the music world today with the passing of Edward Van Halen.

He developed ground breaking jaw dropping techniques, which influenced countless

guitar players from back in the 70's until today, though not so much myself. While i 

especially liked Van Halen's first record and even built a guitar vaguely designed after 

his Frankenstrat i couldn't completely get warmed up with the band because of the 

band members, who seemed to be constantly wound up coke heads. Nonetheless i 

recently stumbled over "Eruption" again and have good fun fiddling with it.

Now today Eddie died after a long battle with throat cancer age 65. His wikipedia page

has already been updated ...

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Weekend Sports

 It is Arc de Triomphe Weekend with the big race on Sunday and it is going to be a 

cracker. After the forecasted very wet underfoot conditions fav Love (IRE) has been

withdrawn and that leaves Enable (IRE) as the clear fav, since she acts on any ground

and tries to win the race for the third time. Her odds are awfully short and i tried to 

find some value elsewhere. IN SWOOP (GER) looks interesting as the winner of the 

German Derby. He never went a yard, though all of a sudden found another gear and

mowed down the opposition on the home stretch. If there is more to come he could be

a lively contender.

IN SWOOP (GER, foto) to win and place  @ 12 *** 2nd WON

ENABLE as stakes saver @ around 2.5

As usual here is the link for the Japanese racing fans in agony ...

Football Bets

2. Bundesliga    Heidenheim to beat Paderborn and > 2.5 goals @ 3.40***0:0

Double in the Both To Score market :

Portugal Primera  Tondela - Braga / Cyprus 1.  Anorthosis - Olympiakos Nikosia @ 3.80

                                                            0:4 / 2:0  *** LOST

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Bernth Brodträger - Guitar Player Extraordinare


Bernth is at home with many styles though mainly known for his metal shredding. 

He churns out plenty of high quality instrucction videos, which i made use from to 

improve as an overall musician by learning techniques like sweeping and tapping. I

also purchased his "10 Steps To Modern Shredding" course, which for the money is

a snip. So for those wanting to become a formidable metal guitarist, Bernth is the

go-to guy ...

Thursday, September 17, 2020

" Shoot Me, Nigga !" ...

 ... were the famous last words from Joseph Rosenbaum before he was shot and killed

by Kyle Rittenhouse in self-defense during the Black Lives Matter riots in Kenosha,

Wisconsin - the incident can be seen in this video. BLM of course is a political organi-

sation sponsored with Jewish money and not caring about a single black life, but being

a stepstone to introduce a new order out of chaos, aka world communism. The move-

ment was founded by trained Marxists, thus their genuine intentions should be 


Rosenbaum was apparently a typical BLM member, someone Lenin had called an useful 

idiot. I insinuate he stemmed from a broken family, was never taught values and was

full of hatred and destructiveness. Did he chase Rittenhouse, because some black guy 

was killed by the police ? This probably goes deeper and i can see the "Frankfurt 

School", led by Jews Adorno, Horkheimer and Marcuse, playing a major role. 

Destroying the society through division is a vital part en route to the NWO and that

is nearly accomplished with Trump siding with Rittenhouse, while Liberals 

sympathize with the thugs. Should Trump be reelected a full scale civil war will be on

the cards ...

Last week the 19th 9/11 anniversary took place and for those, who still believe  Bin

Laden organized the attack out of a cave in Afghanistan, i recommend this recitation

from Christopher Bollyn. Where others are pussyfooting because of the culprits, he

speaks out who is behind the atrocities.I am afraid those will never be taken to justice

especially not with Trump in office and his potential successor Biden, an Crypto-Jew. 

The Israelis call Trump the best president they ever had and Trump in return handed

over the "Key to the White House" to Bibi Nethanjahu .

Certainly me and the Jews, Ashkenazic to be more specific, won't become friends in

this life anymore ...

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Weekend Sports


The last Classic will be run in Doncaster next Saturday with the St. Leger and as

usual plenty of guesswork is involved, who will stay the marathon distance. Derby

winners have a good record and with SANTIAGO (IRE) the Irish Derby winner

participates and belongs to the market leaders. Trained by Ballydoyle master Aidan

O' Brien with Frankie Dettori on board he should have a very decent chance to win

this at reasonable odds.

SANTIAGO to win @ 4 ***UP

My footie system has two selections in the Both To Score market ...

Belgian Juliper League    Club Brügge - Waasland Beveren / 4:1

Slovakia Super Liga        Slovan Bratislava - Spartak Trnava /2:0 Double @ 5.50 L

Thursday, September 3, 2020

29.08. Berlin Demonstration Report

 Another memorable day with the police once again playing an inglorious role. Like 

the last time i wanted to march with the truck parade, what wasn't possible, because

the police blocked the roads. So many folks made great efforts in vain by gearing up

their trucks with equipment, which was certainly a pricey affair. What followed was 
a cat and mouse game between lawyers, politicians and the police. I decided to walk
over to the parliament, where Rüdiger Hoffmann was in the midst of some turmoil 
with the police. Rüdiger is a regular here and tries to illuminate people for many
years about the status of the FRiG. Since i know his speeches too well i moved on to
the Victory Column. There a big stage has been errected, where Robert F. Kennedy
later on conducted a speech. All these speeches are rather tiresome for my taste and
i left ending up near the Russian embassy on the "Unter den Linden" avenue.

There things heated up with demonstrators demanding a peace treaty and again the
police applied brute force. I had my can hanging around my neck all the time and
when policemen wrestled someone to the ground i cranked up my Lisheng amp and
picked along"Stranglehold" by Ted Nugent among others. The volume and sound 
of that little guy keeps amazing me.

Then the notorious incident happened at the "Reichstag", what politicians and the MSM
would later on call a storm. By now it has been debunked that hapless folks have been
set up to provide the wanted images and perhaps to deviate from the main event. So
after a shady woman held an off-the-wall speech telling that Trump is in town among
other nonsense, demonstrators climbed over fences and up the stairs of the Reichstag.
There they were frolicking around and nobody tried to enter the building. Police didn't
care and cudgeld them down the stairs accompanied with a rain of tear gas. President
Steinmeier later on praised their heroic deeds and invited them in his castle.

In the meantime the leader of the Querdenken 711 organisation finds himself under 
scrutiny for allegedly being a free mason and member of the Round Table Club, a
shadow government. All possible, but what matters to me is the huge number of 
participants having showed up. Depending on the source up to 3 million people came
to town and with the absent sympathisers this becomes a number the big wigs can't
ignore and push us around any longer. All in all i enjoyed the day and the atmosphere 
and should there be another manifestation i am ready to roll ...

Thursday, August 27, 2020

More Corona Bollocks

The other day i was sitting in a public transportation bus reading a book. When
my scarf slipped underneath my nose it didn't take long until some old hag
clamoured from behind with another one joined in asking me to cover up my
nose. Then a bloke insulted me gravely and i thought now i am up against a
lynchmob. I can't really blame them after all the fear mongering in the media
as well the transportation federation +++ Wear a mask, obey obey, cover up
your nose, obey obey +++  in an endless loop, turning the people mad.

Folks wonder, why so many countries participate in this scamdemic. The ans-
wer is simple, since every one of them sticks knee deep in debts and with that
handle you get them all through blackmailing or relief incentives. And when
that doesn't work it is still possible to bribe leading politicians.

The usual suspects keep babbling of a second wave and another lockdown al-
though the numbers do not justify it - dates could be August, 30 th or the
September 18 th. It sounds like a self- fulfilling prophecy and predictive pro-
gramming and it seems the following targets shall be accomplished, no matter
what. Corona as a scapegoat for a collapsed economy, abolish cash, introduce
tyrannic measures and of course to vaxx us all. I am convinced they have their
vaccine ready to go in their poison cabinet,while at the same time manufacturers
refuse any liability. In this video an Italian doctor urgently warns to take
the vaccine (3:40)

Are the mass Covid tests conducted to collect plenty of DNA for a data bank ?
Are they a sort of a Gesslerhut known from Wilhelm Tell to check the peoples
intelligence and obedience ?

Matteo is a free journalist, who went all the way to Bergamo to examine hospi-
tals and cementaries for Covid victims. He found next to no one there in this
alleged hotspot. His video was quickly deleted by JooTube though here is an
More of the same from Brazil, where a hospital was raided in search for Covid
victims - in vain.

COVID = Certificate Of Vaccination ID ?

Must watch video by David Icke

Another gem from Max Igan

And finally this weirdo named Kenneth Copeland, who blows away the virus ...

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Backyard Impressions

About time to post something pleasant, so i strolled to the backyard and see what
is going on there. The top image shows the sunchoke. Grows until a height of 3 meters
looking like a sunflower. The corms are very nutritive. Next is the Physallis or Andean
Berry, my favorite. In the greenhouse i have two banana plants and Jiaogulan tea,
originally from China, who provides a long lasting life according to a tale. I already
harvested plenty of it this year. And finally there is a rhubarb plant, which is decades
old and keeps growing back year after year.  The empty space was used for potatos or
carrots among others, which are gone meanwhile. So at least i can live a little bit self-
sufficient just in case ...

Thursday, August 13, 2020

29.08. Showdown In Berlin

Meanwhile i have been 4 times in Berlin to participate at demonstrations and thought
it would be enough by now. No, not going to happen and another pilgrimage takes
place at the 29th. I guess we ain't seen nothing yet with even more people will float
into town than last time with guests from all over Europe. Even Trump and Putin
received an invitation as well as the French Yellow Vests. So it will be an huge signal
to the big wigs, things are getting serious now with more and more folks not comply-
ing to the bollocks they have ordered.

On recent demonstrations policemen conducted speeches and announced they have
swapped sides and asked their colleagues to follow suit, although it won't do any good
for their careers. Another brave man is Stefan Kohn from the inner ministry, who said
the plandemic is a "global false alarm". I guess he was degraded right away and his
whereabouts are unknown now. Another prominent person emerging from the crowd is
Thomas Berthold, football world champion 1990. He voiced his opinion about the
whole Corona lunacy and could be another beacon of the movement.

How will the Merkel-regime react about all that ? It remains to be seen, perhaps they
call out hastily another lockdown. Perhaps they will block roads, but certainly will
mix in agent provocateurs.

Even more interesting, the organizers will bring up another topics like the urgently
needed peace treaty. We are still in a state of war and only have a truce.

Australia shows the Corona craze is not about some shady virus, but about control-
ling and supervising people. About time to stop those trying to mimic them over here.
Take a look at this Aussie robo cop

Here is an interesting video from Brian of High Impact Flix, showing how easily a
dog can control a big flock of sheeps.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Berlin Demonstration Report

Uff, what a day. Amazing, but the numbers first. The mainstream media wrote
about an attendance of 20000 people, the police about 800000 and the organizers
1.3 million. I guess the middle number is most accurate, the turnout was massive,
what is bad news for Bill Gates, whose fear tactics seem to run on empty now.

Once again Flixbus took me to Berlin, reliable service with low fares. In Berlin
i took the train to the Potsdam Square, where i deposited my guitar case and then
walked  over to the Brandenburg Gate. From the start the vibes were great and i
sat down for a couple of beers to let the floating energy sink in. Of course i had a
mask -  dangling from the neck of my guitar.

The parade of trucks was already in full swing when i joined in and i must say it
was quite a bit of fun marching the 7.8 km roundcourse playing Kashmir or My
Corona aka My Sharona with my can over an an small battery amplified amp.

When i reached the Reichstag i wanted to go over to the 17th of June Avenue,
where several speeches should be conducted, though the police did not let me
through and not for the first time they played a hostile role. Twice i eyeballed
them and could hardly curb my tongue, though fortunately i managed it. The
police later on stopped illegaly the demonstration as a whole. At 19.00 i down
and out climbed into the bus again and returned to Hamburg.

+++++ Next demo in Berlin at the 29th of August +++++

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Silver Flyin' High

Quite awhile ago i recommended to invest in silver, when its rate was hovering
around the 17.- Euro mark. Now i am everything but an financial expert, in fact
dealing with the genre sucks big time, though nonetheless i thought it was a
smart move to get on since silver was hugely underrated for a useful precious
metal. Inexplicably the rate dropped down to 12.- Euros/ounce not too long ago
caused by heavy manipulation, but now it seems there is no stopping now since
it is approaching the 24.-Euro/ ounce mark.

The reason is obvious. Central banks are mindlessly printing FIAT money, which
does not enter the economy, but is used as gamble money in the stock market
casino. The paper currencies value is based on faith by investors and consumers
alike. Faith that is fading and thus investments are looking elsewhere for decent
profits, expecting the money bubble to burst soon. Precious metals are a good
starting point ...

Silver is my solution

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Trash Your TV, Burn Your Newspaper !

Nothing new here for these, who haven't lived under a rock in recent years. Though
what i have a hard time with is the sheer number of shameless shysters living in
our society, most notably working for the mainstream media. Day after day they
peddle nothing but propaganda spiced up with lies, deceptions and manipulations.
Without them nobody had an idea about the current Corona plandemic, but because
they are are pretty good at their jobs i see plenty of scared folks on the street con-
suming there spoon fed rubbish. More examples ? Shure, read on ...

Now just started the trial against the alleged Halle Synagogue assassin. I would
mean it was the shittiest piece of acting ever having watched his live action cam
material. How this could pass without receiving any critical review from one of the
hundreds of newspapers in this country is beyond me. Are they all sychronized and
controlled by the same people ? Seems that way. When you ask me about the purpose
of the charade i would answer to produce the worldwide headline "German Nazi
attacks Synagogue" to keep the German guilt complex intact, what in turn means
plenty of dough for the chosen tribe. Top journalist G. Wisnewski made an excellent
video about the incident, which can be see using the link below.

German media recently reported with outrage, that German tourists partied heavily
on the island of Mallorca ignoring the Corona rules. Locals said nothing happened,
all quiet We were shown pictures with many coffins allegedly from Bergamo in
Italy, when in reality they were years old and stemmed from Lampedusa. We were
shown pictures from New York where alleged Corona victims were buried, when in
reality the pictures stemmed from Hart Island , where penniless are buried in mass
graves. German channel ZDF translated the beforementioned banner saying "White
Lives Matter Burnley into Only White lives Matter thus fueling the race tensions.
It is disgusting beyond belief ...

Since JooTube is going overboard with its purges the serious stuff is now going on
elsewhere. At  Bitchute i recommend Jeff Berwick, the Dollar_Vigilante among others.

Gerahrd Wisnewski on Halle

Interesting artice in German about media lies at

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Berlin 1.8. - A Call For An Uprising

There were plenty of demonstrations going on in the FRiG in several locations
recently, though now forces will be bundled in Berlin with hundreds of thousands
participants expected to join in under the slogan


Folks will not longer accept the Corona tyranny implemented by demonic entities
as Bill & Melinda Gates and their bribed cronies Dr. Christian Drosten from the
Charite hospital in Berlin or Lothar Wieler from the Robert-Koch-Institute, an equi-
valent of the CDC. Drosten already got it all wrong in the year 2009 with the swine
flu and currently they are searching his doctorate. Maybe viruses don't even exist
as Jaba suggests in this exellent video, which would mean the profession of a viro-
logist is nothing but fake.

Could politicians take advantage of such a mass unification calling it a super spreader
,a good pretext to start the so called "Second Wave"  Drosten and former health secre-
tary Lauterbach are babbling about ? That would mean another lockdown with
thousands of well paid jobs annihilated or replaced by low salary jobs someone like
Amazon CEO Bezos is benefitting from, who stacked up some more billions as many
others of his ilk. That would mean thousands driven into suicide and bancruptcy. That
would mean thousands of elderly people passing away in nursery homes because of
lonelyness. That would mean thousands would weaken their immune system inside
their homes and are very prone to illnesses.

Right now politicians are executing a stategy of easying and tightening to keep the
fear level high hoping people are eventually begging for Gates devils kitchen stuff.
Takening it a step further would be highly risky since most are illuminated by now
about the whole charade and perhaps a revolution Belgrade style could be instigated
with a not so friendly outcome for the big wigs. They already asphalted a plattform in
front of the parliament with machinery around to hammer in poles.

I must say i am really looking forward to that event and will arrive with my guitar
in tow. It would mean something when us Germans finally show some solidarity in
big numbers and try to change things for the better , so i hope to meet you in Berlin,
August 1 ...

Highly recommended book by Michael Morris named "Lockdown"

Howard Zinn on democracy and civil disobedience

Thursday, July 9, 2020

" Black Lives Matter " Debunked

When a hard nosed Brit as Sean Dyche loses his cool over a harmless slogan ,
we know the racism frenzy is about to climax. Dyche is the manager of the EPL
club Burnley, who recently had an match versus Manchester United. During the
game a small plane flew over the stadium towing a banner, which said " White
Lives Matter Burnley ". Afterwards they fell over each other with apologies,knee-
ling and firing the organizers from their jobs - plain ridiculous. And why all that ?
Because they either don't have the required ten functioning brain cells to call the
George Floyd incident that what it is or just not have the cojones to adress it,
namely another friggin' hoax.

By now it is well known, that " Black Lives Matter " is funded by the Rothschild
agent Soros as well as the Ford-Foundation, thus it is clear they are functioning
as a divide & conquer tool to establish Marxism. It seems there time has come
now with manifestations popping up everywhere. To make matters worth also
an armed black militia has been founded and perhaps we are looking at South-
African conditions in the USA pretty soon, where blacks massacre whites. In the
wake of the Minnesota riots the retired black policeman David Dorn was shot and
killed by a black thug. Does a single "Black Lives Matter" - member gives a friggin
whit about him or that blacks kill each other in droves in cities like Chicago or Balti-
more ? Certainly not, they are more focused on a race war against whites.

Now i have been denied entrance in a disco, i have been rejected when i applied for
a job and i have been stopped by the police for no apparent reason. Though since i
couldn't play the race card i moved on. The black community once did pretty well
until the Democratic Party implemented the Jim Crow segragation laws. From then
on everything went downhill for them with the civil rights movement accumulating in
the Affirmative Action programm,which is more or less an euphemism for free stuff.
Race hustlers as Jesse Jackson and the notorious Al Sharpton took center stage,
permanently pushing blacks into victimhood and continously instigating hatred.
And that is why many blacks hang out on skid row full of self pity emulating false
idols, mostly rappers. I am convinced despite existing racism, it is mostly about the
right attitude and presentation. I have seen and met many great colored people and
now half of the squad of my hometown football team consists of blacks, all along
great guys and now they even hired a black coach. I guess that alone proves my

Mike Krüger - The Latest CORONA Sellout

I used to like him and his goofy songs back in the 70's. But aging with dignity is
not to everyone' liking or was Bill Gates dough too enticing ?

Friday, July 3, 2020

Weekend Sports

It is derby weekend in Epsom Downs on Saturday with the fillies Oaks and the
great race itself. Love (IRE) heads the market of the former  having won the
1000 Guineas and these have an outstanding record in this one. However
i recently burnt my fingers with short priced runners and thus side with
FRANKLY DARLING trained by John Gosden. As a daughter of Frankel she
won't have any trouble with the distance and also Frankie Dettori on board -
everything is set for a great run.

Derby fav is ENGLISH KING (FR) from the small stable of handler Ed Walker.
Would be something if his guy could beat the big lads representatives. Again
Franki in the saddle and a double on his rides will be very popular.

FRANKLY DARLING (foto) to win the Oaks @ 3 *** 3rd

ENGLISH KING to win the Derby @ 3.75  UP  Odds for the first three
                                                                    26 / 51 / 67 Argghhh !
Two singles and an e/w double                   

My footie system provides two selections in the "Both to score market"

Portugal Primeira   Benfica Lissabon - Boavista Porto  3:1

EPL                        Manchester United - Bournemouth  5:2

                              Double @ 5.40  *** WON

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Still Afraid Of The CORONA - Virus ?

No worries, folks, help is underway. Tal Zaks is the Chief Medical Officer of the
BioTech company Moderna and just annouced successful early test results for a
vaccine against the CORONA - Virus. Company stocks went through the roof
and Tal wasted no time to cash in big time. Being greedy lies in his genes, though
otherwise he is a fine bloke concerned about our health. So when he asks you to
drop down your pants and bend over for a vaccine shot with the good stuff it is in
your best interest ...

                                                                             ( Caution satire )

Thursday, June 25, 2020


Just when you thought you have heard it all played on a guitar, there appear new
kids on the blog with stunning abilities. Where others need a lifespan to get things
under their belt they are naturals, pick up a guitar and rip through a tune.

Presented here are ...

Billy Strings playing a set on such a marvelous place in Colorado, it is breath taking.

Marcus King, blues great

Max Ostro, at home at every style

A headscratcher is that at least two of them are sporting masonery symbolism.
Billy Strings, whose real name is William Apostol, has meanwhile tattooed a 33
on his forearm and another one engraved in a tailpiece on one of his guitars.
Ostro wears an orange jacket and uses a strap with a checkerboard design. Is it
thinkable they sold their souls to the devil in exchange for outstanding abilities
like blues man Robert Johnson once did on a crossroad ? At least Ostro seems
to be completely soulless ...

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

YouTube Favs # 2

First and foremost i salute the return of MrE. His channel was shut down twice,
but you just can't keep a good man down. His findings about transgenderism,
cabal and mystic themes are second to none.

Shaking Head Productions deals with similar genres.

The unabashed Adam Green makes no prisoners concerning Jewry. Where others
flinch he goes forward. Demonetized, yet stunningly still tolerated by YT.

For chess geeks there is a great variety of channels. For the German speaking
community i recommend "The Big Greek" Georgios Soleidis. Nice bloke, who
explains very well the ropes of chess.

And finally there is reknowned Swedish metalero Ola Englund. His channel is a
chock full of interviews, gear tests or tour reports. Though i am apart from the
occasional shredding not a big metal fan, his channel is very entertaining, especi-
ally if you like hand claps and don't mind burps and the occasional s-word.

Monday, June 8, 2020

The George Floyd Case - A Closer Inspection

Here is, what happened in a nutshell. Floyd went into a store and tried to pay with
a counterfeit 20 $ bill. The alert salesperson got aware of that and called the cops.
When they arrived Floyd hit the deck after some argy-bargy with the policeman's
knee on his neck pinning him to the ground. After 9 minutes the ambulance arrived
and brought him to a hospital where he was declared dead later on.

So let's dissect this. In my second homeland Peru hangs a sign in nearly every shop
telling customers that any counterfeit bills will be ripped on the spot. I guess nobody
there would call the police since most folks are not able to identify them.So why did
the store guy called them for a alleged faked 20 $ bill, which must have been a rarity
since most fakery ought concern 100 $ bills. Next question is, why didn't Floyd leave
the scene, but kept hanging around there. The policemen could have stuck him in
their car and leave, but for whatever reason Floyd became unruly and resisted his
detention. So he was smacked down and nailed to the ground through a cops knee.
Now having a knee on someones neck is certainly unpleasant, but wont't do any
lethal harm to a strong dude like Floyd and also won't leave him breathless. Thus
when he muttered, he can't breath i must assume he did it to add something to the
whole drama. The police officer named Derek Chauvin, who by the way worked in
the same night joint as Floyd as security guy, positioned him right at the rear of his
car and looked in the camera as he wanted to make shure the desired pictures were

Are there any masonic activities to spot ? Of course, though mostly vague. First most
of Floyd's body is covered with tattoos, among them a sketchy double headed eagle
and a 33 with 33 being the highest degree in the Scottish Rite and the alleged age of
Jesus when he was killed. The police car had the word "POLICE" on his plate, which
in numerology accumulates  to 33. Then there are 6es placed on the sides of the trash-
can standing by possibly for the 666 mark of the beast. More of the number stuff can
be seen here.

However the most important question to me is,who where the guys who carried Floyd
away. Do paramedics nowadays whear bulletproof vests and guns ? Also any me-
dical examination was not conducted, they just shoved Floyd on a stretcher and
pushed him in their vehicle. The mainstream media did their level best to distribute
the footage and thus the riots could begin with paid instigators and pallets with bricks
placed in many inner cities.

The conclusion has to be, this is just another divide & conquer / ordo ab chao maneuver.

Alleged paramedics at  minute 8:56

Here is Martin Weissgerber known from the Bernie Sander campaign paying instigators.

The mysterious umbrella man smashing windows

Pallets of bricks located in downtown areas

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Weekend Sports

The UK flat racing season got finally under way and goes straight down to
business with the 2000 Guineas at Newmarket on Saturday. Hot fav is
PINATUBO (IRE), unbeaten in six races and a rating miles ahead of the
competition. He is impossible to oppose even without a prep race since he
is trained by Charlie Appleby thus in best hands. His odds are accordingly
low and i hope to get price around 2 come raceday.*** 3rd

                             German Bundesleague Matchday 30

Union Berlin - Schalke 04

Both teams have lost the plot lately with long losing runs. Though i feel
Schalke's squad possesses more class and playing without their supporters
is a major disadvantage for Union.

Schalke to beat Union Berlin @ 2.90 *** 1:1

The Plandemic According To Ben Garrison

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Judaism - A Humanity Despising Ideology

The intrepid Tilman Knechtel just released another explosive video, which puts
his channel on the line since Jootube does not apprciate any so called antisemitic
content. The video is full with outrageous quotes and statements made by members
of the chosen tribe. Nonetheless it is forbidden by law in many countries to
criticize them and of course doing any research of the 6 million occurence.

Unlike the bootlickers in politics, mainstream media and the justice system Tilman
is not pussyfooting around and gets to the heart of the matter, which certainly
leaves some doubts about the character and trustability of the folks described here
, controlling most of the mainstream media and the narrative concerning historic

In that perspective Tilman's work is very important and perhaps another stepstone
towards the truth. Watch the video while you can and see what you can make of it.
I for my part secured the video for reference and honored his effort with a donation.

Tilman Knechtel also is an editor for the excellent Express Gazette. Their latest
issue deals with the Corona virus bollocks. I ordered my copy already and so
should you. Here is the link

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Operation Warp Speed

Alright, the cat is out of the bag. POTUS Trump, the best president Israel ever
had, just announced to start the program "Operation Warp Speed " as soon as
possible. This means nearly all of the 300 million U.S. inhabitants shall let their
pants down and bend over to receive an injection containing an cocktail of vicious

Now not too long ago Trump was rather hesitant about the alleged COVID 19 virus
playing down his menace only to make an U-turn shortly afterwards. Perhaps he
discovered the "virus" is an welcomed distraction from other nuisances or is some-
one still talking about the wall to Mexico ? Possible, though i suppose it has some-
thing to do with his demonic wingman Anthony Fauci, the pharmaceutical- indust-
rial complex, his zionist prompters or all of them. Whatever it is, perpetuating the
road means asking for a full blown civil war. The FEMA camps are waiting to get
finally occupied ...

According to the webpage the U.S. population will be down by 2/3 as
will be Germanys in a not to distant future.What do they know, what we don't?Intel
about the biological weapon that son of a b**ch Bill Gates is talking about ? Here
in Hamburg the UKE hospital looks for probands to test a vaccination available in
September. The mainstream media made shure many folks will be scared enough
to line up, all others more illuminated are in for a major confontation.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

9.5. Review Of The Manifestation Against The Corona Tyranny Berlin 9.5.

Upon arrival at Berlin central train station i took the 245 bus to the Alexander -
Square located in the Eastern section, where later on protesters clashed with the
police, who brought dogs along. I walked over to the Rosa-Luxemburg-Square,
where the heaviest action took place over the last weekends. I strolled through
the whole area, though it was still early times with few people showing up. So
i bought a couple of beers and observed the scene. I supposed a toilet would be
nearby in the subway station, which was not the case and now  i had a problem
since no resstaurant would let me in. Eventually an Asian restaurant showed
some pity and let me relieve myself.

Around 15.30 the place became crowded, though the atmosphere was always
peaceful with folks from all walks of life, the mainstream media would later
call conspiracy theorists, knuckleheads, Na...s and what not. I had a nice chat
with an elderly woman, who from judging from her appearance had nothing in
common with me, but nonetheless we had a good conversation.She even showed
some interest in my guitar and i complied to her bidding and picked a little bit.
Common sense and politeness can go a long way ...

That is basically all i have to report. Those, who hoped for police brutality and
brute force against harmless protesters might be disappointed, though i enjoyed
the whole get together in perfect weather. Manifestations rarely bring some suc-
cess unless huge masses show up and this one will be no exception.

Berlin and Deutsche Bahn have a rather bad reputation for a variety of reasons. I
certainly did not travel to Berlin for the first time and again this time i can't con-
firm, that is a dirty city run over with migrants - I enjoyed my stay there. The
Deutsche Bahn had a half hour delay on my way back home, though too i must
say it was a nice experience using their service.

App. 2
There was a bloke running around, warning there would be antisemites among the
protesters. So he warned me quasi from myself. If there would be folks, who dis-
like the Portuguese or Cameroonians, nobody would be bothered, but please do not
dare to criticize the tribe with the superior DNA. How the relationship with them
could ever be improved, i dunno and it is certainly not wanted from their side.

App. 3
Virus, what virus ? Yesterday i listened to another scientist, who claimed there would
be no viruses at all. Then there are virologists, people dealing allegedly with viruses
as professionals. Next we hear viruses mutate, thus vaccines will have no effect.
The jury is out, what to believe ...

VIRUSES do not exist ...

Stefan Lanka          

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Rüdiger Nehberg †

Already on April, 1 Rüdiger Nehberg passed away at the age of 84. Nicknamed
" Sir Vival" after long distance marches through wilderness without supplies he
must be considered a truly remarkable personality leaving behind plenty of
achievements and a tremendous legacy concerning humanity.

When still at an very young age he was drawn into the wide world, yet finnished
an education as a baker and established a successful bakery afterwards. When he
became aware of the struggle of the Yanomami indians he decided to give his
life more spiritual depth and profoundness. So he sold his bakery and devoted
the next twenty years to support the Yanomami in their tussle against the ever
marauding gold diggers. To draw attention to a wider public he even crossed  the
Atlantic Ocean with a pedal boat. When the Yanomami finally gained their peace
and a territory free of gold diggers, Nehberg organized the construction of a small
hospital in the rain forrest and then figured it is time to move on.

His next encouragement was devoted for a campaign against the female circum -
cision, an archaic and gruesome practice popular in many Muslim states in Africa
and the Middle East to strip females of their sexual lust leaving them as physical,
psychologic wrecks afterwards. Nehberg and his partner had a mountain to climb
to convince the locals to drop that cruel habbit by convincing religious leaders to
abbolish the practice executed mostly by elderly women. After some tireless work
a Fatwa (legal jurisdiction ) has been proclaimed and the practice forbidden by law
in most Muslim countries. This means many thousand girls were spared from
enormous torture.

I just finnished reading Nehberg's biography " Courage Has Grown No Danger "
and it is an enthralling read. Rüdiger Nehberg was truly one of the greats.

Here is the webpage for TARGET, the organisation he founded to help collecting

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

May, 2 Meet And Greet In Berlin

As things stand i will travel to Berlin next Saturday to join a manifestation with
folks opposing the CORONA swindle and the accompanying oppressive mea-
sures. Meeting point at 15.30 will be the Rosa-Luxemburg-Square and the
surrounding streets. Of course social distancing will be respected to avoid any
aggravation with the Federal Republic in Germany plant security, called police.
I am not shure about masks with the ever changing rules, though my silky
Cambodian scarf is just fine anyways. I hope we get enough boots on the street
to leave a lasting impression for the big wigs.

Ken Jebsen and the KenFM team did a fabolous job lately covering the CORO
NA frenzy. However JooTube had a difference of opinion and deleted some
of his videos. He only uses YT now for teasers and will publish his content on
his own webpage after being fed up following several disputes.

Pictures from Berlin last weekend ...

"The Mask Ritual Is Mind Control On A Mass Scale"

Gerhard Wisnewski believing we are in for something bigger ...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

CORONA = 6 6 6

                                                 C  O  R  O  N  A
The letters positions in the 
alphabet are                            3+15+18+15+14+1 = 66 plus 6 letters = 666

The devils number, the Number of the Beast or the Anti-Christs number - you
name it. We were told the term Corona (spanish for crown) stems from the
shape of the alleged virus, i would rather say, the "elites" are playing their
games right in our faces, while the sheeple are sitting at home, shivering and
busy washing their hands.

By the way, here is the adress from the lab in Wuhan   666 Gaoxan Road

Personally that bloody virus did not scare me for a split second, knowing
the numbers are vastly blown up and he is not nearly as dangerous as they
want us to believe. Fortunately more and more people come to the same con-
clusion and the resistance is growing for instance in Berlin or Michigan,
mostly locations governed by leftists. In Berlin the police once again showed
their role in society by acting partly brutal against harmless folks. Nothing
but mercenarys, who never in history sided with the people but protected the
big wigs. The social life came to a stillstand, someone was punished for read-
ing a book on a parkbench, bullets were shot at a group for standing too close
together. Measures during the bombing nights during WW II were not as harsh
as they are now.

So there is a tiny group of friggin' old blokes, who are not able to leave others
alone with Bill Gates being one of them. Gates recently gave an interview in
German public television, where he talked 9:42 minutes about his plans, which
made grim listening. Moderator Zamperoni did not find it necessary to ask a
single critical question and both agreed vaccines are the only solution to fight
the pandemic. Zamperoni sure enough was educated in Washington, while
Gates is not the computer nerd, but is rather linked to the "elites" from early
on according to Derrick Broze talking to Adam Green.

The virus might pass, though what's next ? I am afraid the "New Normality"
with partially taken away liberties, G5, ID 2020, tracking app and more
rubbish putting ole George Orwell's predictions in the shade.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Weekend Sports

In times when beggars can't be choosers i took a closer look at Belorussia' s
football Premier League. Belarus of course is one of the few countries not
affected by the current Corona craze, what coincides with my impression
i received nearly three years ago during my visit there.

The leagues dominating team over the last years has been BATE Borisov, who
surprisingly lost the first two games into the season, though seemed to be back
on track now after a convincing victory versus arch rival Dinamo Minsk last
fixture. They encounter now Torpedo Zhodino, who had a flying start into the
season and should not be pushovers.

I hope for an entergaiming game and placed the following bet at Unibet

BATE to win, > 2.5 goals, > 9.5 corners    @ 4.80 *** 11 corners, but
a 0:0 draw - painful to watch. Hopefully they bring on the proper football
soon again.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Plandemic For COVIDiots

For those, who still believe that Corona - nonsense, please bend over and
receive Uncle Bill's vaccination syringe loaded with mercury, aluminum
and died off foetus cells.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Getting Out Of Peru - A Report

I planned to leave Peru with KLM Dutch Airlines at March, 29, though when it
became clear the Covid 19 crisis would drag on i rebooked my flight to an
earlier date to no avail, so i joined the callback program by the German Ministry
of Foreign Affairs. They as well as German embassies received lot of stick for
working inefficiently. I talked to a German, who said he was waiting for two
weeks for his return flight. There were 65 people in his hostal with plenty of diff -
erent nationalities and the Germans were the last remaining there.

German authorities defended themselves by stating they constantly received  new
obstacles by the Peruvians and i guess it was eventually just a matter of money
changing hands. Also it must be considered it is a tremendous task to mop up
thousands of tourists scattered over the whole country.

Personally i was always relaxed having had confidence, that everything would go
smoothly and so it went. Late on March, 31 i received the awaited mail with all
details about the flights arranged for April, 1. LATAM Airlines flew me from Cusco
to Santiago and then dropped me off in Frankfurt from where i took the train to
Hamburg. All in all i think they made a good job for what i am thankful, though
now i am awaiting a hefty bill.

Much to my surprise Peru tops the list of the most hysterical countries concerning
the overhyped virus. Within 24 hours the borders and airports were closed, an over-
night curfew imposed and the use of a facemask obligatory. I expected the Peruvians
rebellous after 3 or 4 days though even after 2 weeks everthing stayed quiet. Instead
the anger of the locals seems to be geared now towards foreigners for bringing in
the virus. Allegedly there are already emergency lists existing telling foreigners to
leave when the situation becomes too critical. I guess meanwhile more Peruvians
died by committing suicide because of a ruined existence than by COVID 19.

As i wrote before for me as a "Conspiracy Theorist" something stinks here big time,
when Bill Gates is involved. He is the main sponsor of the WHO, who in return lies
in bed with Big Pharma, gives also funds to C. Drosten of the Charitee Hospital
in Berlin and the Robert-Koch-Institute, who serve as counselors for the German
government and thus have to be considered corrupt for fueling the hysteresis. Or
why are most hospitals in Berlin empty as the investigative journalist Billy Six found
out ? Without the mainstream media and politicians spreading panic and faulty tests
we probably had only an average or slightly above flu season.

Some argue the crisis is the calm before the storm and will be used to clear the
streets of drug kingpins, money launderer and pedophiles. Some of them have al-
ready been arrested, but what about Gates, Soros and the likes ? It rather seems many
heads of state found it appealing to impose totalitarian measures by taking away
personal liberties with the abolishment of cash and mandatory vaccinations next in
line en route to a New World Order ? The situation remains unclear, though i reckon
we know more at the end of the month.

Also still want to mention, that Lufthansa German Airlines flew folks from Israel
out of Lima with their first flights leaving Germans behind. Will they have to pay too
for that service ? Just askin ... Anyway, they should be save from COVID 19, as the
virus is meant for the Goyim only as this Rabbi explains in the following video.

Here is Billy Six'es video, which was already deleted several times