Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs
This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.
Please also see my webpage www.frankensteinsblood.com
Monday, December 30, 2013
Outlook For 2014

Monday, December 23, 2013
Christmas Sports

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

""" Angela Merkel was just confirmed as the German chancellor for four more years and she swore to do her best to keep any damage away from the German people. Maybe this video shows her true attitude towards Germany and that Alexander Dibelius, a high ranked Goldmann Sachs associate, is her advisor speaks volumes as well.
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday, November 28, 2013
The Grand Coalition
Once again our fellow politicians from the CDU and SPD parties were busy with themselves for several weeks now, but eventually came to grips to form a coalition by sorting out disagreements and without a noteworthy opposition. The contract comprises 185 pages and this higly recommended video explains , what's it all about. The other video below has a speech by Edmund Stoiber ( CSU ) set to music, unfortunately without subtitles. And if you haven't cried "enough" yet here is a double featuring chancellora Angela Merkel. At least as laughing stock she is useful.
" Those, who were elected do not decide and those, who decide were not elected " - H. Seehofer (CSU) -
" Those, who were elected do not decide and those, who decide were not elected " - H. Seehofer (CSU) -
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Punting For The Philippines
After having watched the aftermath of typhoon " Haiyan ", who struck the Philippine islands with enormous force i organised a fundraiser to collect a little bit of money. I have two bets for the weekend and should they be successful i will donate the profits entirely to an aid organisation and hope others with some change sitting in their Paypal account will chip in as well. 1.) TAP NIGHT to win the Paddy Power Gold Cup Chase on Saturday, Nov.16. Trained by Lucinda Russell and ridden by champ A. P. McCoy i expect a bold show in this wide open contest. Betfair offers odds @ 13 2.) World Cup Qualifier UKRAINE - FRANCE on Friday,Nov. 15. Both teams under immense pressure and will focus on defense, so i believe in a 0:0 correct halftime score @ 2.40
*** Tap Night ran okay, just wasn't good enough. However the second bet was successful and left me with a profit i will donate to an aid organisation.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Life's Seductions And The Church

Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Lynyrd Skynyrd ...
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Evo and the Bolivian way ...

Thursday, October 10, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
6.10.13 PRIX DE L´ARC DE TRIOMPHE (Group 1) in Longchamp

Thursday, September 26, 2013
The March Of The Lemmings - Election Wrap-Up

Thursday, September 19, 2013
22.09.13 German General Election 2

Thursday, September 12, 2013
The Daily Dose Of Poison

Friday, September 6, 2013
Can this be fun ?
For those, who are afraid of missing out the latest trend here he is - Stand up paddling ! Personally i would feel like a shmuck doing it, but then again i don't have a lot of muscles to display and shun a sun tan. What i relish though is to mock about modern times dudes following every nuisance.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
List of Disgrace
All the world is a stage with the unmasked B. Obama and A. Merkel two of the biggest actors. Here is a list with disgraceful things they nor their puppet masters want us to know about with accompanying videos.
1.) THE MONEY SYSTEM - Essential knowledge http://youtu.be/OwQhlUMRvRk
2.) FEMA CAMPS - Federal Emergency Management camps. When the system crashes
and civil unrest arises thousands of insurgants can be detained.
3.) HAARP - Powerful tool to influence the weather. Also can be used as a weapon.
4.) RFID CHIP - Once we all have one implanted their mission has been acclompished.
5.) CHEM TRAILS - Sprayed nano aluminium particles infiltrating the brain causing
Alzheimer disease or other mental problems.
6.) CO ² SWINDLE - Whatever caused the climate change, apparently it is not carbon
dioxide. http://youtu.be/SG3yT0Ol8ik
7.) COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS - Another secret society.
Some would dismiss all this as NWO humbug, but it is well documented and when respected personalities as Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, Gerald Celente or Edward G. Griffin report about it i better listen and don't take it lightly. The war against terror already turned into a war against the people, because some old white men sitting on trillions of dollars cannot leave mankind alone, but need to bug them in their pursuit of happiness with some one world government bollocks. Living in a world with Photoshop or alibi agencys, what can you still believe or whom can you trust ? We are living in an atmosphere of constant manipulating and spying everywhere
making it necessary to check information from reliable sources other than mainstream media and then form one's own opinion. That said i order my " Team Snowden " shirt now.
1.) THE MONEY SYSTEM - Essential knowledge http://youtu.be/OwQhlUMRvRk
2.) FEMA CAMPS - Federal Emergency Management camps. When the system crashes
and civil unrest arises thousands of insurgants can be detained.
3.) HAARP - Powerful tool to influence the weather. Also can be used as a weapon.
4.) RFID CHIP - Once we all have one implanted their mission has been acclompished.
5.) CHEM TRAILS - Sprayed nano aluminium particles infiltrating the brain causing
Alzheimer disease or other mental problems.
6.) CO ² SWINDLE - Whatever caused the climate change, apparently it is not carbon
dioxide. http://youtu.be/SG3yT0Ol8ik
7.) COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS - Another secret society.

making it necessary to check information from reliable sources other than mainstream media and then form one's own opinion. That said i order my " Team Snowden " shirt now.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Weekend Sports

Friday, August 16, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013
German General Election 2013 Preview

" There are many reasons to leave things as they are and only one to change something : You can't stand it anymore." - Hans Curt Flemming
Thursday, July 25, 2013
27.07.13 King George VI And Queen Elizabeth Stakes in Ascot

Saturday, July 20, 2013
Germany not sovereign ...

Sunday, July 14, 2013
Thoughts of being 50
Yep, i am half a century young now and at this age some people take a look back at their life and strike a balance only to get a grim reminder that they spent many years in a dull job, are divorced, have two Facebook junkies as kids and are sitting on a load of debts for house and car. I recently made my income tax declaration and was done after 10 minutes, because i could leave most of the spaces blank telling me my life is how it shall be - simple without worries and complications. Across the years i lived through different epochs and none of them feel as historically insignificant as the current one. In twenty years from now, what will be remembered ? Maybe the EU debt crisis, the intelligence service knowing you better than your wife does ( Still somebody believes Zuckerberg is the mastermind behind bloody Facebook ? ) or lethal plastic guns thanks to 3-D printers - Goodness gracious me !? Being in my twenties nowadays i perhaps could handle a smartphone with great virtuosity, but would be without orientation trying to get a well paid job in a rotten business culture. Being in my thirties i perhaps would be a paranoid sushi and latte macchiato consumer and had no idea who Mississippi John Hurt was. But as a fifty year old i am a witness of the late 60's, 70's and early 80's, times when things as music, cars, nightlife or fashion had a certain kind of magic, something that is completely gone in todays illusory world. I like my first car ( a Mercedes-Benz 200 D/8 ...mmmh) a lot better than cars built by now, in my favourite night club i met people as Prince or Metallica and danced to music from James Brown - nowadays a pale faced techno dj hammers monotonous rhythms in the ears from intoxicated juveniles, who are supposed to be our future. Charisma seems to be extinct. The German football national team looks like a bunch of 6. graders on a class field trip crying more after a lost game than girls in a casting show and when i see the German minister of economic affairs Philip Rösler i spontaneously want to give him some sweets. Action movies starred Clint Eastwood or Charles Bronson - nowadays heartthrob Brad Pitt. Women were classy, silicone free and without tattoos, intimate shaving, screeching voices and artificial tan and hair color - nowadays ... don't get me started ! So the bottom line is, that being fifty is completely alright and i am looking ahead to the next half century with a healthy life-work balance.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
13.07.13 Darley July Cup in Newmarket

Saturday, July 6, 2013
Cuba II

Friday, July 5, 2013
6.07.2013 Coral-Eclipse (British Champions Series) (Group 1)

Friday, June 28, 2013
29.6.2013 Greyhound Derby in Wimbledon

While a game with some white dressed tennis hunks can easily put me to sleep, the real action takes place next door. Derby fav is currently Droopys Jet and i will bet a few Euros on him, but my main money will be down for SIDAZ JACK (left). He is the youngest dog in the race and outsider @ odds of 7, but is a son of the legendary Westmead Hawk and trained by master trainer Charlie Lister. If he can put his blistering speed to good use from the inside trap he should have a decent chance to win this.*** WON
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013
1.06.2013 Investec Derby - Epsom Downs

Dawn Approach ( IRE ) is the the hot fav, but at skinny odds remains a risky betting proposition. Being a 3 year old colt the trip of 12 furlongs or 1.5 miles will stretch his stamina to the max, although his sire suggests he will stay. Also the undulating nature of the racecourse could be a problem so I will take him on with RULER OF THE WORLD ( IRE, left ), the only jolly in this 12 runner field, who won over this distance and @ odds of 9 looks a solid each-way bet.*** Won
Thursday, May 23, 2013
25.05.13 Champions League Final

With BAYERN MUNICH and BORUSSIA DORTMUND two German teams vie for the title. Bayern Munich is certainly the best team in Europe right now having played sparkling football all season long, but they are prone of losing finals, as they did last year on home turf. They are trying to make amendments now and look for redemption, though i believe they enter the game cautiously due to the respect they have for Dortmund's fast style of football and their modest h2h stats. Dortmund themselves have to cope with the absence of Mario Götze, so they will start the game more defensive minded as well. Bayern are clear favs, however i expect the match to be tight throughout. In charge of the game is the Italian Rizzoli, who is not shy of handing out cards and he is also someone Bayern had never any luck with. Bets as follows : Correct halftime score 0:0 @ 3.10 / Dortmund to win after penalties @ 13 / Red card shown @ 3.80 *** 2:1 (0:0) Vaffanculo ! Two clear assaults, but Rizzoli didn't pull a red card.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Sports gone crazy

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
1.05.2013 FC Barcelona - Bayern Munich

Some bloke tries to impress him with his far eastern fighting techniques and Bud just slaps him down to the ground. Barça will probably pass the ball around without end, but instead of being impressed Bayern grabs the ball, starts a counterattack and scores. Bets as follows: Correct score 1:1 @ 9 / Thomas Müller first goalscorer @ 9 / Bayern to win with ( -1 ) handicap @ 7.5*** 0:3
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
"Alternative für Deutschland"

I will travel to Cuba in June and had the original plan to revitalize Fidel Castro and bring him over to Germany along with his iron broom to sweep politicians from the CDUSPDFDPGRÜNE block party out of the parliament. With the establishment of the "Alternative für Deutschland" (AfD) party that is not necessary anymore and i can concentrate on drinking rum and smoke cigars. The AfD staunchly opposes the Euro and that is just the right thing to do, because the Euro splits the EU, weakens the stronger countries and prevents a economic resurrection from weaker countries. The Dakota indians already knew it by saying " When you notice you are sitting on a dead horse, get off ". The Eurozone is dead as a dodo, but politicians from the above mentioned block party refuse to acknowledge it and paid last week another 10 bn Euros for Cyprus, a small island known for welcoming dirty money, and Slovenia waiting next in line. And what is that all about ? Here is my theory: Spineless politicians are playing in the hands of the high finance, who are trying to gain control about Europe by degrading Germany and make many other countries dependent from the European Central Bank (EZB). Besides that more and more competences from the national governments are shifted to Brussels, enhancing right wing tendencies. In the USA this scheme already worked very well with the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed is by no means federal, but privately owned. It's absurd - the U.S. government borrows money from them and then some more to pay interest. The U.S. are in debt of many trillions of $ and in whose satchel belongs that money ? Rothschild's, Morgan's, Warburg's to name a few and to call Barack Obama the world's most powerful person is a joke, these people just push him up front to execute their orders. I am afraid Europe goes the same route and hope the AfD gets in their way. I was determined to skip the elections, but will now cast my ballot for the AfD, period.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Bird flu crisis ? I smell a rat ...

Mainstream media just spread the news about an bird flu outbreak in China killing a couple of people. After i recently stumbled upon this video by Jesse Ventura i approach news like that with caution. Jesse has been a former Navy Seal, professional wrestler, governor of Minnesota and is an absolute no-nonsense guy, who conducted an investigation on a clandestine group of powerful people with sinister intentions, called the "Bilderberger". They try to establish a New World Order with a single regime that rules the world, but since there are meanwhile too many human beings inhabiting the planet they need methods to reduce their number. One could be that they stage a pandemic via their controlled media and when panic starts people rush to the medics to receive a flu shot . That is at least, what they believe when in reality they receive something making them unfertile or harm them in another way. Sounds sick ? There are some sick minds among us, damned !
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Weekend Sports

German Bundesleague Matchday 28 : HAMBURGER SV - SC FREIBURG Hamburg lost their last home game against lowly Augsburg and received a 2:9 drubbing against Munich afterwards, but instead of a more intense team drilling the club organized a barbecue to reconcile their fans - oh dear , oh dear ... . I supported Hamburg until around 1984, when i felt i reached an age where it is a bit ridiculous to cheer for overpaid brats running around in short pants. Meanwhile 30 years later they are overpaid and pampered to the max. For example during training camp in Dubai they are lodging in one of the most luxurious hotels or when a player needs someone to walk his dog or wants a new flat screen TV - no problem, the club takes care of it and i would say, that it is no wonder they play like sissies. Freiburg has won their last game against Gladbach and also their last two fixtures in Hamburg. They are a team with mediocre ability, but with a desire to play passionate football and have a great coach in C. Streich. I got Hamburg wrong before and maybe get them wrong again, however facts are facts and they clearly speak for Freiburg, so my hard earned is down for the SC at very decent odds. Freiburg to win @ 3.35 ***0:1. Now over to the sport of kings. On Saturday the greatest event in horse racing takes place, the John Smith's GRAND NATIONAL CHASE(Grade 3) in Aintree.It is a hugely competitive affair wit 40 runners going to post and my two selections against the field are Across The Bay (IRE) @ 34 and Balthazar King (IRE) @ 21(above). Both have won a long distance chase during the current campaign, are sound jumpers, will act on the prevailing ground and that's is all i need to know.*** Both finished unplaced though gave me good runs for my money. You can watch the race here.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
The Hotel "España"and Annuschka
In Lima i have been a longtime guest in the above mentioned hotel, but when they rose prices for the fourth consecutive year of around 15 % i about had it and moved to the hotel "Europa", just down the road,where i recorded the video. This place is lesser known to tourists, charges half the price as the "Espana" and represents a lot better value.
Annuschka is my dentist in Cusco. While dentists in Germany sniff at me, because i am not privately insured, she gave my teeth a wonderful TLC treatment for such a modest price, that i was left gobsmacked. It is always a genuine pleasure dealing with people not driven by greed . My days in Peru for this year are over now and what's my conclusion ? I must say i once more had a really good time and what annoyed me most were elderly women, who just cannot wait patiently in line, but need to jump the queue and start nagging. But of course i was just a tourist and for tourists life in Peru is generally plain sailing. On the other side an article in the New York Times i have read on my flight back home confirmed my view, that the outlook could be a bit dim. Peru meanwhile belongs to the emerging markets, where the economy grows at rates of about 6 % p. a.. Big foreign corporate money flows in with the exploitation of raw material meaning more prosperity for the middle- and higher class - housing prices in Lima and Cusco are already skyrocketing. As usual where some become richer others are left behind, living in a destroyed and contaminated environment and are unable to participate at the newly found wealth. Maybe it doesn't take long and we see the resurrection of the "Shining Path" or another terrorist group fighting those injustices... . I once spent three days in an appartment house with oceanview in upscale Lima-Miraflores and it bored the heck out of me. Leaving it i had to pass security. Outside at every corner - security and police cars patroling the streets. Rich people living in constant fear behind high walls, that some pennyless dude could rob them and thus keeping psychiatrists busy. Anytime i prefer sharing a beer with less affluent people in a cantina in Cusco and once they are all torn down to make room for slick appartment buildings i know it is time to pack up and move elsewhere. But so far i still can quote Arnie from one of his shitty movies : " Cusco, i'll be back !".
Friday, March 22, 2013
Due to popular demand ...
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
New Pope

Monday, March 11, 2013
Cheltenham 2013
The Cheltenham Festival gets underway tomorrow and i hope i have done my homework properly to snatch some dough out of my bookies deep pockets. Selections as follows:
Treble - Simonsig (GB) to win the Arkle won/ Quewega (FR) to win the Mares Hurdle won/ Sprinter Sacre (FR) to win the Champion Chase won at combined odds of 3.12
Single - Zarkandar (IRE, left) to win the Champion Hurdle @ 4.5 unpl.
Single - Bobs Worth (IRE) to win the Gold Cup @ 4 won

Single - Zarkandar (IRE, left) to win the Champion Hurdle @ 4.5 unpl.
Single - Bobs Worth (IRE) to win the Gold Cup @ 4 won
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Alvin Lee †

Saturday, March 2, 2013
Cash is the king !?

Friday, February 22, 2013
Volkswagen and the system of interest

Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Sausage ? Yes, please ...
Introducing my good friend Pedro, who probably makes the best ham and sausages this side of the Atlantic Ocean. If you are around Cusco and yearning for the good stuff, give him a buzz. He is a honest bloke always ready to share a beer and a fair deal. Please contact him here.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Quanah Parker

Quanah Parker was by no means a noble Indian. He had mixed blood, because of his white mother, who once was captured by Comanches. When whites killed his father he relentless pursued and killed many of them and at the same time was at war with other Indian tribes, most notably Apaches, Navajos and the hapless Tonkawas, who got a lot of stick. However, after 40 years of Comanche warfare against the white intruders he and his band surrendered. Whites had slaughtered millions of buffalos and thus have taken away the fundament of survival in the plains. In addition 49ers or gold digger spread deadly deseases as smallpox or cholera and soldiers had meanwhile a superior weaponry. Quanah Parker died February, 22 in 1911, age 63,of heart failure. Looking at those clowns occupying goverments today i rather had him as a leader.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Malicious tongues have it, that ...

Thursday, January 31, 2013
About this blog
First and foremost i started this blog to let my old lady know ( " Hi mom, love you ! " ) how and what i am doing while travelling. She is not quite au fait with computers, but at least it makes writing postcards obsolete. Besides that, some workmates kept asking what i am doing abroad and now instead of repeating myself i point to this blog. As i write this site was visited 3483 times, mainly from Germany, the U.S. and Peru. I consider this a decent number, since i don´t come up with earthshaking revelations or the most delicious cookie baking recipes. I thank you for your time and sincerely hope the content makes your visit worthwhile.
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